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This guide provides clear instructions for developers on the supported Solidity versions and the necessary configurations needed to ensure your smart contracts are deployed on the Rootstock network. See the developer tools section for a list of tools to build on Rootstock.

Solidity Version

  • Supported solc version: 0.8.19

Node RPC

  • Interact with Rootstock using the RPC API
Get an API Key

See how to setup the RPC API and get an API Key.

Network Configuration

Fill these values to connect to the Rootstock Mainnet or Testnet.

FieldRootstock MainnetRootstock Testnet
Network NameRootstock MainnetRootstock Testnet
Block explorer URL

Contract Addresses

Derivation path

When using BIP-44-compatible wallet software, you will need to specify a derivation path.

Mainnet: m/44'/137'/0'/0/N
Testnet: m/44'/37310'/0'/0/N

See Account based addresses section for more information or how to verify address ownership.

Install Hardhat

npm install --save-dev hardhat
  • Install hh autocomplete to use hh shorthand globally.
npm i -g hardhat-shorthand

Command Line Tools

POSIX Compliant Shell

Standard terminals like cmd or PowerShell may not support some commands. We recommended installing Git for Windows for Git Bash, which provides a more UNIX-like experience. Here's a tutorial on Git Bash.

Installing Node.js and NPM

Optional Setup

Last updated on by Owanate Amachree